Monday, July 30, 2012

Splash: just had some major clan drama... just finished cleaning up the aftermath.. -_-
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Moomoo: crazy clan stuff went down! it was crazy..
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Lucky Liquorish: the dolphin went crazy!!!! but she's trying to cover it up!! she was so loopy lol!! 
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[this post has been removed by splash]

Pumpkin: Had some clan troubles, but everything is clean now.
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Sugarplum/MangoSmoothie: Got iphones!!!!
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Izzie: so glad moo-moo is ok! big battle...
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Sky: many of you might be thinking an article might come out about this incident, a press black-out has been issued. no articles will appear in "the eraser times"
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Monday, November 28, 2011

Butter-mint: wow, theres a lot of noise coming from waves clan...

Gingy: i heard (first hand!) that wave is opening a grocery store!

Cool-whip: the dolphin (splash) is clearing out a spot. Wonder what for.

Rosado: you know that big space the dolphin just opened? It's gonna be a indoor farmers market!

Cloud: I'm in a really bad mood!!
Stay away! >:(

Lucky liquorish: honeys burgers... Yum...

Cocoa: woa... They just put a tower in waves clan...

P: free samples of NAGOMI vegie juice, @ moomoo's organic store!

Splash: if anybody needs me, I'm behind moomoo's organic store.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Moomoo: The dolphin just disbanded the rainbow cows team... My rainbow cows team... ;(

Mayapple: the team... It's gone...

Izzie: I wanna go shopping!!!! :(

Splash: I'm getting rid of EVERYBODY annoying!!!

MS&SP: we're being gotten rid of!!!!!

Hugo: this train has no fish!!!

Mowmow: I know it seems crazy, but I'm going to look for Hugo.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

mango smoothie: I'M BACK!!!!! OMG THANK GOODNESS!!!

pumkin: the dolphin lined us all up and shiped some people away... selena and kalvin...
i'm really sad. :(

sugarplum: mango smoothie is gone!!!!!!!!!! ;( ;( ;(

izzie: oh man... rainbow cow team, not doing so good.

dolphin (splash): had a big gather, sent some people in to retirement. and 'the evils' off to
reform school.

cloud: wow... selena is really gone...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

G & Y: uh, bored...

Owen: eating fried rice.

Hugo: fish?

Pita: PIZZA!! Aaaaa!!!

Neco: mwahahaha!!!

Kennie: new clan, where am I?

Honey: can't wait to see bluebell today! :)
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pansy: we're visiting eclipe's clan toady! i'm excited!
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tulip: vistiting melon today, i think